Athato Brahma Jijnasa Seminar - November 2024
7 Days free seminar which will enlighten you with the most important Spiritual Knowledge

2024年11月18日 18:00 GMT+5:30 – 2024年11月24日 19:30 GMT+5:30
Hare Krishna Everyone 🙏♥️
Welcome to "Athato Brahma Jijnasa" Seminar by Krishna Consciousness Society
Athato Brahma Jijnasa is the first verse of Vedanta Sutra - This means our this human form of life, its meant for enquiring about God, enquiring about our true self, Because in all other forms and species of life, we can't make this enquiry, and if we simply pass our life without getting answers of these enquiries then it will be biggest loss.
We are conducting this seminar to give you torchlight of knowledge on most important and most discussed topics of Spirituality from Authentic Vedic Scriptures. You can ask your deep profound questions and our speakers will be more than happy to answer you.
Dates - 18th to 24th November
Easy journey to spiritual world
Life after death
The all attractive GOD
Mahamantra for this age
Archeological evidences for extreme human antiquity
Beyond Material Entanglements
⏩ Yashodanandan Das (Civil Engg.)
⏩ Mukunda Das (B.Sc in PCM)
⏩ Vaishnav Das (IT engg.)
⏩ Arjun Das (Preacher)
⏩ Subal Das (Preacher)
⏩ Sri Ram Das (Preacher)
*Attending seminar is completely free of cost